Statement of Purpose & Function
A. Pan America Mission’s (P.A.M.) primary purpose and function is to act as a service organization to the missionary “called” to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ in South America.The services P.A.M. provides are:
  1. A nonprofit tax Exempt Corporation, which the IRS recognizes as a legal agency to issue tax-deductible receipts to U.S. donors.
  2. Collects contributions, provides accounting and financial reports to the missionary, disperse funds monthly to missionaries and projects, and issue tax deductible receipts to the donors.
  3. A liaison between missionaries and donors for: letters; donor services such as special projects, temporary help by volunteers, etc.; and keeping communications flowing between missionary and donor.
  4. Maintain financial records for any IRS audits or reporting.
  5. Other services that we may qualify for as a group, such as medical and life insurance.
B. Pan America Mission’s secondary purpose and function is its responsibility to the donors that give to the missionary through the P.A.M. Corporation. This includes the  following:
  1. Be accountable to the donors if they have questions or request financial reports.
  2. Be an overseer for the benefit of the donor to help insure that the monies and funds given are going to their intended uses in the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  3. Have a reasonable pulse on the missionary’s activities for soundness of doctrine, to protect against misuse of donated monies, and the maintaining of a Christian testimony on the field.
C. Pan America Mission is not a church but an Association of Missionaries and does not provide:
  1. Missionary training in language arts or field cultures (to be provided by the missionary)
  2. A spiritual covering or spiritual development program (missionary must look to a local pastor or their sponsoring church).
  3. Active directions or guidance to individual ministries or their personal decision making, beyond counsel and advice.
  4. Guaranteed financial support for missionaries and their activities (they must generate their own support.Missionaries are treated as self-employed for US income tax purposes.


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